The future of learning is already here!
Learners are choosing to take advantage of pockets of time they have in the day whether it be on the way to work or those times when you are waiting for someone to turn up to a meeting.
Did you know 90% of learners now choose to use their mobile device for their learning needs?
-So what does this mean for your management team?
-How do you engage learners making use of these new technologies?
-How do you remove barriers to learning?
-How do you adapt your content to suit your workforce’s preferred way of learning?
-How do you get clear ROI from the learning you have released and achieve your organisational goals?
In this webinar we will be exploring all these themes as well as taking questions from attendees to offer solutions to real life scenarios your organisation may have.
Watch recording
Selva Nagappan
Managing Director,
Knowledge Group of Companies
Francis Jim Tuscano
William Chua (Moderator)
Marketing and Sales Support, Senior Manager,