Here's what's new?
03 Nov
For Admins
- In Admin → Forms → Info / Manage Forms → allows admins to edit and manage multiple language translations when creating forms.
- In Admin → Craft AI → Test → introduced Craft AI test generation functionality, enabling admins to create tests based on input count, prompt, and reference files.
- In Admin → Craft AI → Quiz / Test → introduces an optional “Instruction” field in the Craft AI test/quiz generation process.
- In Admin → Quiz / Test / Poll / Survey / Path / Assignment → revamped the “Make Live” button, which previously had a white background with blue text, aligning it with the design of other buttons in the application.
- In Admin → Quiz / Test / Survey / Path → update increases the maximum allowed length for descriptions from 200 to 500 characters.
- In Admin → Events → Manage Event → UI for creating and editing events in the Admin panel has been revamped for improved usability.
- In Forms → View Analytics → updated the user interface to improve the visual design and user experience.
- In Forms → Rule → Action Menu → Clone Rule → introduced a “Clone Rule” feature in the Admin Forms module, allowing users to easily duplicate existing rules.
- In Forms → Public Link → introduced a QR code feature to the public forms, available in the expanded view of the link tab.
- In Forms → Rule → Create Rule → New Action → character limit for email notifications in the Form rule configuration has been increased from 500 to 1000 to ensure consistency with push notifications.
For Learners
- In RapL Application → upgraded the application to Laravel 11.x, introducing key enhancements and optimizations for improved performance and maintainability.
- In Learner / Monitor / Admin / Reviews / Forms → revamped the header and sidebar across all modules for a more modern,
web-responsive interface. - In Forms → Submission’s Email → enhanced email templates by bolding rows that meet the “All Rule Conditions” property criteria, making it clear which conditions triggered the email.
- In Learner → Forms → enables learners to switch between different language translations of the form during submission.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Monitor → My Team → Sort By → introduced four new sort options—Ascending/Descending by First Name and Last Name.
- In iOS → Home → Assignment → Add Attachment → enabled seamless handling of HEIC (High Efficiency Image Container) images in the assignment module.
For Android Learners
- In Android → Genie → introduced support for viewing and managing previous sessions in the Genie feature.
- In Android → update refactors the codebase to Kotlin, improving code readability, maintainability, and performance across various features.
19 Nov
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → Usage Trend → added the ability to filter user routine stats by role in the User Routine screen.
For Admins
- In Admin → Craft AI → Quiz → Create New Scenario → replaced the question count buttons (4-15) with a dynamic slider for selecting quiz questions.
- In Admin → Craft AI → Quiz → Create New Scenario → enhanced quiz generation to support up to 3 languages, with English as the default.
- In Admin → Event → Manage Host → admins can now manage host statuses in the Manage Host section using a toggle button or the 3-dot action menu.
- In Admin → Forms → Rule → Create / Edit Rule → introduces advanced condition evaluation capabilities for admins, allowing the creation of more complex rules.
- In Admin → Forms → Analytics → enhanced the Form Analytics interface with a refresh button for data updates, added a user information header in the response view, and set “Submitted At” as the default sort in the user listing.
- In Admin → Forms → Create Rule → New Action → Email Notifications → introduced a new email properties, FORM_RESPONSE_URL, to include encrypted form response URLs in email templates.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Genie → Sessions → introduced the functionality to view and interact with previous sessions in the Genie feature.
For Android Learners
- In Android → Home → Take Survey → enhancement allows users to switch between different languages in a survey, providing a more flexible and inclusive experience for respondents.
- In Android → My Account → Pause Learning → updated the Pause Learning module to use Room database instead of SQLite.
- In Android → update refactors the codebase to Kotlin, improving code readability, maintainability, and performance across various features.
05 Nov
For Admins
- In Admin → Craft AI → Quiz → Craft Scenario → admins can now create quizzes in multiple languages within Craft AI.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → My Genie → introduced 3 static question suggestions to enrich new sessions in the ‘My Genie’ feature.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Monitor → My Team → privileged users can now manage others directly in the mobile app, including assigning groups and roles, editing profiles, and deleting users.
For Android Learners
- In Android → Forms → revamped learner’s form screen, introducing a tab-based layout for easier navigation.
22 Oct
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → Usage Trend → adds the group name as a breadcrumb to the top-left corner of downloaded usage trend images.
For Admins
- In Admin → Structure → Group & Role : Admin → Content → Assign To Group & Assign To Role → added a “Copy to Clipboard” option for shortcodes across all content types—Files, Quizzes, Tests, Paths, Polls & Surveys, Assignments, and Forms.
- In Forms → Form Analytics → Export → enables admins to export detailed, question-wise responses for forms.
- Admins can automate workflows by creating rules that trigger email or push notifications based on form field responses.
For Learners
- In Learners → Home → learners can expect a visually captivating and responsive experience with a specially designed Diwali-themed logo and vibrant pages that adapt seamlessly across devices, capturing the spirit of this joyous festival.
- In Learners → Learnings → updated web learnings screen with the Android and iOS versions by reordering and renaming content types to enhance consistency across platforms.
- In Learners → Home → File / Test / Poll / Survey / Path → allows learners to change the content language while consuming materials like files, tests, polls, and surveys.
10 Oct
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → Usage Routine → introduced a filtering capability by group in the user routine, enabling users to retrieve routines specific to selected groups.
For Admins
- In Admin → Event → Manage Event → admins can now assign an Event Manager for Zoom and External events, allowing the
manager to start the event on the learner’s side. - In Forms → Menu → Preview Form → admins can now preview forms in three different device views: Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop.
- In Admin → Craft AI → Craft log → introduced tooltips for failed items in the Craft Quiz import log, helping admins understand why specific items failed.
- In Admin → Events → Expand View → admins can use “Copy” button next to the meeting links (Zoom or external) in the expanded row of the event list.
- In Admin → Craft AI → admins can now leverage the expanded Craft AI module to create both quizzes and files directly from the admin dashboard.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → Events → learners can access and watch Zoom event recordings directly from the event details page, provided the admin has enabled the “Show recordings” option.
- In Learner → Home → Forms → revamped learner’s form screen, introducing a tab-based layout for easier navigation.
- In Learner → Home → learners receive timely event reminders in the app’s notification section based on the reminders set by the admin.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → My Account → Forms → ios users can access and watch Zoom event recordings directly from the event details page, provided the admin has enabled the “Show recordings” option.
For Android Learners
- In Android → My Account → Events → android users to schedule and conduct virtual and offline meetings, similar to Google Meet and Zoom.
24 Sep
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → Usage Trend → added data points to the bar chart and set the bar chart as the primary visualization, enhancing data representation and tooltip ordering based on days.
For Admins
- In Admin → Settings → admins can now configure an organization-wide setting to limit file uploads for quizzes and tests, allowing a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 6 files.
- In Admin → Content → Genie → added user-level savepoint to notify users when their Genie knowledge file request has been processed.
- In Admin → Content → Craft → added a user-level savepoint to notify users when their craft request has been processed.
- In Forms → Manage Forms → Drop Down Field → admins are given ability to import options for drop-down fields, display option count, enable search in learner SSR, and show an error toast when removing excess options.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Account → Certificates → certification icon in the Learner’s ‘My Account’ certificate listing has been updated to the latest design for a consistent user experience.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Events → integrated Zoom recordings into the event system, allowing users to easily access and review recordings associated with events, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and ensuring all relevant information is readily available.
- In iOS → Events → implemented an event reminder notification feature that alerts users about upcoming events, helping them stay organized and engaged with scheduled activities and ensuring they do not miss important updates.
12 Sep
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → allows monitors to track user activity over the past weeks.
For Admins
- In Admin → Event → Manage event → Create Event → enables admins to create, read, update, and delete events across various formats, including offline, other platforms, and Zoom.
- In Admin → Event → Manage Host → Create Host → allows admins to create, read, update, and delete Zoom event hosts.
- In Admin → Certificate → Template → Add / Edit Template → allows admins to add and customize points displayed on certificate templates.
- In Admin → Content → File → Create New File → admins can experience new File CRUD operations UI and effortlessly do the file crud operations.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → Path → Enhanced Path’s Quiz UI offers an intuitive and interactive interface, making it easier for users to navigate and complete quizzes.
- In Learner → Home → Path → Enhanced Path’s Files UI: Provides an easy-to-use interface for accessing and managing files, with the next available file listed immediately after completion.
- In Learner → Home → Path → Enhanced Path’s Test UI: Streamlines test-taking with a user-friendly interface, and the next available test is listed right after completion.
- In Learner → Home → Path → Enhanced Path’s Poll UI: Offers an interactive and engaging poll interface, with the next poll appearing upon completion.
- In Learner → Home → Path → Enhanced Path’s Survey UI: Simplifies survey participation, automatically displaying the next survey once the current one is completed.
- In Learner → Home → Path → Enhanced Path’s Assignment UI: Allows for smooth assignment submission and management, with the next available assignment listed right after submission.
- In Learner → Learnings → Path → Enhanced Path’s History Path Pages UI: Provides learners with a comprehensive overview of their completed activities, including files, tests, polls, surveys, and assignments along with certificates if assigned to the Path.
- In Learner → Home / Events → enables learners to join scheduled online events via Zoom or other platforms, as well as attend offline events. Completed events are moved to the “Past Events” section for easy review.
- In Learner → Home / Events → enables learners to join scheduled online events via Zoom or other platforms, as well as attend offline events. If the host has joined, a “Start” button will appear instead of “Join.”
- In Learner → Home → Quiz / Test / Path → shows specific points for quizzes and tests on their respective certificates.
For Android Learners
- In Android → prompts android users with a verification pop-up when they attempt to log in using an unverified mobile number or email address.
03 Sep
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Quiz / Test / Path → Issued Certificates → Export → admins can export issued certificates across Quiz, Test and Path, with a unique certificate ID column for accurate tracking and identification.
- In Admin → Report → Download / Schedule → Social → User Certificate Report → admins can generate the User Certificate Report, which includes a unique Certificate ID column for precise tracking and identification in user
certificates report.
27 August
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Usage → User / Privileged user → Export → “Continuous 5 Week” column in the Usage export provides a clear indicator of user engagement over the past 5 weeks.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Path → admins can experience new Path CRUD operations UI and effortlessly do the path crud operations.
- In Admin → Content → Survey → Draft → admins will always see the ‘Make Live’ button on the survey info page, even if no questions are added, and validation against the organization’s question count limits will occur when clicked.
- In Admin → Content → Genie → the ‘Uploaded By’ column shows the uploader’s name, which changes to ‘You’ after you upload a file.
- In Admin → Content → Craft → the ‘Created By’ info appears below the ‘Created At’ date.
- In Forms → manage Public Link → feature allows admins to create and customize public links with specific validity periods and detailed settings.
- In Forms → Info → submission message field enables admins to customize the message displayed to users after they submit a form, enhancing the user experience and providing clear post-submission communication.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home →added the Forms menu to the left sidebar, making it easier for users to find and access forms with fewer clicks.
For Android Learners
- In Android – Survey / Poll / Test → if the organization supports multiple languages, users will see their current language displayed along with an option to switch to other available languages in survey / poll / test.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Learner → Learnings → Path → changed the progress bar to grey for expired paths on the path and
item listing pages in learnings.
13 August
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Quiz → admins can experience new Quiz CRUD operations UI and effortlessly do the test crud operations.
- In Admin → Leaderboard → admins can experience new Leaderboard CRUD operations UI and effortlessly do
the survey crud operations. - In Admin → Settings → rapl admins have the authority to enable or disable craft mode, allowing them to toggle the customization of the creating new scenarios using craft.
- In Admin → Settings → rapl admins have the authority to exclude specific roles from Genie access by selecting the roles to restrict.
- In Admin → Content → File → Add File → file thumbnail resolution has been updated from 355×200 to 720×405.
- In Admin → Content → Quiz / Test /Path → added an export option in the issued certificates listing page for Topic, Test, and Learning Path.
- In Admin → Report → Download / Schedule → added download / schedule report option for the User Certificate Report under the Social section of Download and Scheduled Reports.
- In Admin → User → Manage → displayed all assigned Groups/Roles in button chips directly in the expanded user row instead of showing a count.
- In Forms → Add form → admins have capability to create public forms and provide a feature to copy the link to these public forms.
- In Forms → introduced the ability to duplicate forms, allowing users to easily create copies of existing forms for reuse or modification.
- In Forms → Assign → Groups/Roles → admins can allocate live forms to specific groups or roles, granting precise control over form access based on permissions.
- In Forms → Add Form → admins can able to include a location field in forms within the admin panel, enhancing data collection with geographical information.
For Learners
- In Learner → Notifications → users get notifications when a new scheduled form is available to consume and when that forms due is nearing before 15 minutes will appear.
- In Learner → Learnings → Path → changed the progress bar to grey for expired paths on the path and item listing pages in learnings.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Notifications → iOS users get notifications when a new scheduled form is available to consume and when that forms due is nearing before 15 minutes will appear.
- In iOS → Learnings → replaced the calendar icon with the forms calendar icon in the history across all listing modules.
For Android Learners
- In Android → Notifications → android users get notifications when a new scheduled form is available to consume and when that forms due is nearing before 15 minutes will appear.
- In Android → for android users, implemented new UI changes for the forms module on the following screens:
Form Submissions, Team Form Submissions, and Individual Form Submissions.
03 August
For Admins
- In Admin → Settings → rapl admins have the authority to enable or disable festive mode, allowing them to
toggle the customization of the platform’s appearance and features for special occasions.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → celebrate Independence Day with a stunning splash screen that features a beautifully
crafted logo.
For Android Learners
- In Android → migration to Android Oreo sets it as the minimum supported version, enhancing security, battery life, and performance for all android users.
- In Android → My Account → Learnings → users can use search experience for following contents:
– Completed Paths
– Viewed Files
– Completed topics
– Completed tests
– Completed surveys
– Completed assignments
30 July
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Activation → User & Privileged User → Export → now supports exporting user and privileged user data, enhancing management and reporting capabilities.
- In Monitor → Usage → Group / Role / User / Privileged user → now includes usage data for the past 5 weeks, with detailed numerical insights by engagement days.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Assignment / Poll / Survey→ admins can experience new Assignment / Poll / Survey CRUD operations UI and effortlessly do the
assignment crud operations. - In Admin → Genie → New File → genie now supports image uploads in JPG, PNG, and JPEG formats, enhancing its functionality.
- In Admin → Import → User → Pause learning & Resume learning → admins can pause and resume bulk imports in the learning
module, providing better control and flexibility in managing large data uploads. - In Admin → User → Pause Learning → admins can sort paused learning entries by first and last name, enhancing organization
and ease of access. - In Forms → Manage Form → Edit → edit mode now supports modifications for both parent and child question types, with clear denotation for Edit, enhancing form customization and management.
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → ‘Individual Forms’ has been relabelled to ‘My Forms’ for clearer personalization and access.
- In Forms → Manage Forms → edit icons are now available for page titles in forms, allowing for quick and easy
title updates, additionally allows to rearrange form pages for better organization and flow. - In Forms → Manage Forms → previous & next buttons are available to navigate between questions within a form.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → update removes submission avatars and introduces red calendar icons to indicate overdue forms.
- In Forms → Schedule form → Add schedule → forms now default to a weekly frequency for scheduling, streamlining regular submissions.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Files / Survey / Test / Poll → if the organization supports multiple languages, users will see their current language displayed along with an option to switch to other available languages in files / survey / test / poll.
- In iOS → My Account → Forms → update involves removing submission avatars and adding red calendar icons to highlight overdue forms.
16 July
For Admins
- In Forms → Add Form → admins can create forms by specifying a title, description, and setting valid submission dates.
- In Forms → Manage Forms → admins can add various types of fields to forms.
- In Forms → Assign → Groups / Roles → admins can allocate live forms to specific groups or roles, providing precise control over form access based on assigned permissions.
- In Admin → Count → Users → Export → admins can export user data, including columns for the first assigned role information and the group name or group hierarchy.
- In Admin → Content → Test → Assigned Group / Role → admins can manage assigned groups and roles with an action column that includes a “Remove” button.
- In Admin → Craft → Craft New Scenario → allows admins to securely upload, manage, and collaborate on PDF files within craft section, enhancing document handling and productivity.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Genie → when responses to learner queries come from reference genie documents, a “View
Source” button will appear. - In Learner → Home → Quiz → learners test result popup are enhanced by adding icons to download and view their certificates directly from the interface.
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → users can complete and submit various forms that have been assigned to them.
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → privileged users have the capability to complete and submit various assigned forms.
For iOS Learners
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → iOS users can complete and submit various forms that have been assigned to them.
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → iOS privileged users have the capability to complete and submit various assigned forms.
- In Learner → Register via QR Code & My Account → Subscription → revamped QR scanner page now includes functionality for uploading QR codes from the gallery and supports the use of the flashlight.
For Android Learners
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → users can complete and submit various forms that have been assigned to them.
- In Learner → My Account → Forms → Android privileged users have the capability to complete and submit
various assigned forms. - In Learner → Home → Test → learners test result popup are enhanced by adding icons to download and view their certificates directly from the interface.
- In Learner → renamed the “Topic” label to “Quiz” to specifically designate it as a feature where users can engage in interactive assessments.
03 July
For Monitors
- In Monitor → when attempting to export the same template before the previous export job completes or within 5 minutes, indicates with a message ‘Same export request is already in progress.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Paths → Export Survey Response → on clicking the export button, offer options to export ‘survey responses’ in path completion.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Paths → Path Listing page & Export Path Completion → files associated with Path are now detailed with file type in listing and reports.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Path → Export Quiz Response → a new column describes the positions of selected choices for quiz questions in the exported quiz response.
- In Monitor → when attempting to export the same template before the previous export job completes or within 5 minutes, indicates with a message ‘Same export request is already in progress.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Test → admins can experience new Test CRUD operations UI and effortlessly do the test crud operations.
- In Admin → Test → Make Live & Certificate →
– When a draft test with a certificate template is made live and “Hide results and correct answers” is selected, display a warning icon with the tooltip: “Test results are hidden; however, certificates will be issued upon passing the test.”
– For live tests without certificate templates and with “Hide results and correct answers” selected, display a warning icon next to the “Assign Certificate” button when assigning a certificate. - In Admin → Craft → when the status is “failed” during draft scenario creation, ensure to provide a clear and specific reason for the failure.
- In Admin → User → Pause Learning → admins can easily find and manage users currently on vacation using the search functionality.
For Learners
- In Learner → Sign In → effortlessly tailor user consent agreements for a seamless sign-in experience.
For iOS Learners
- In Library → Filters → library filters list includes a search option for easy navigation.
- In Test → Take Test → test instruction title background and test results title background are renewed with new coloured RapL theme.
- In Notifications → Library File Notifications → navigates to respective library file detail page.
- In Home → Test → learners test result popup are enhanced by adding icons to download and view their certificates directly from the
interface. - In Notifications → Poll & Survey Notifications → enhanced icon design for more informative poll and survey notifications.
- In Leaderboard → updated UI when the leaderboard list is empty.
- In Sign In → effortlessly tailor user consent agreements for a seamless sign-in experience.
For Android Learners
- In Sign In → effortlessly tailor user consent agreements for a seamless sign-in experience.
- In Poll & Survey → toast message upon poll & survey completion is replaced with a Thank you pop-up.
18 June
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Path → Export : Path Completion & Quiz Response → Monitors can export path completion details and quiz responses directly from the path list interface.
- In Monitor → Usage → Role → with trend filters, covering the past 5 weeks, last week, and the current week enables detailed tracking and comparison of user engagement patterns across different roles within the platform.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Test → streamlined the test creation and assignment workflow for user convenience.
- In Admin → Content → Assignment → Live & Draft Assignment → Duplicate Assignment → new assignment appears in the list with “Copy of [Original Assignment Name]” as its title, containing identical settings and content.
- In Admin → Content → Genie → column status describes document processing with ‘PROCESSING’ ‘COMPLETED,’ or ‘FAILED,’ without intermediate updates.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → Test → learners test result popup are enhanced by adding icons to download and view their certificates directly from the interface.
- In Learner → New User First Time Login → implemented a Firebase switch to allow specific organizations to disable the welcome message for new users after their first login.
- In Learner → Home → Test → question tabs will display answered questions in the primary color, replacing the previous white color for clarity.
04 June
For Monitors
In Monitor → Summary & Activation → Privileged Users → implemented a “This Week” filter option in the activation and privileged users sections, allowing monitors to easily view and manage privileged users based on their activities within the current week.
For Admins
In Monitor → Summary & Activation → Privileged Users → monitors possess the ability to export privileged user engagement reports, either in their entirety or with refined precision through filters and search parameters.
For Learners
- In Admin → Content → Genie → New File → enhanced Genie’s functionality by enabling the upload of .docx files, allowing users to seamlessly upload, manage, and interact with Word documents.
- In Admin → Invite → User → a sorting feature for the “Last Invited At” column in the user invitations list, allowing admins to efficiently organize and review users based on their most recent invite dates.
For Android Learners
- In Learner → Home / Library / Leaderboard / Insight / My Account → users (rapl admins & org admins) can utilize Ask Genie – AI in responsive screens of safari & chrome browsers, designed to assist with answering questions and providing information on a wide range of topics.
- Ensures that successful generation of certificates for tests/quizzes/path created by admins and verify that upon completion, learners receive an email with the certificate.
28 May
For Monitors
In Monitor → Usage → User → admins enhanced with the user export report by integrating the hierarchical structure of the user’s initial assigned group.
For Admins
In Admin → Audit Log → Group → Group Role Updated → admins can maintain accountability by recording any changes made to the roles within a group, reflecting updates accurately in the audit log for comprehensive tracking and monitoring purposes.
For iOS Learners
In iOS → → Learner → users (rapl admins & org admins) can utilize Ask Genie – AI designed to assist with answering questions and providing information on a wide range of topics.
21 May
For Monitors
In Monitor → updated date format for all monitor screens as follows:
Date with time
● Current year: 22 Nov 05:29 AM
● Not current year: 22 Nov 2023 05:29 AMDate without time
● Current year: 22 Nov
● Not current year: 22 Nov 2023
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Test → Preview Test → enhanced the Test Preview Interface with an updated design and improved functionality for better user interaction.
- In Admin → Invite → Schedule → admins can create and manage draft schedules for invite emails/SMS, which become uneditable once live, allowing group or role assignments based on selected categories, with an option to delete schedules.
- In Admin → Download / Schedule → admins can bookmark templates for display in the category listing, manage bookmarks from category or template pages, and view their last 10 bookmarked reports in the “My Bookmark” section.
- In Admin → Reports → Download / Schedule → Activation Status Report – Group → admins can toggle the “Include Only Learners” option to filter for learners only in downloaded or scheduled reports.
- In Reviews → Workflows → Goal Setting / Periodic / Full year → description textarea default line increased from 1 to 3 with a 5000-character limit.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → shimmer effect is displayed exclusively within the leaderboard card on both mobile responsive and desktop home screens.
- In Learner → Library → users will now encounter youtube video links uploaded in the form of video file types, facilitating easier access and management.
- In Learner → Home → Test → enhanced learner’s Test Interface with a comprehensive revamp, focusing on improved functionality and user experience in both mobile responsive and desktop view.
For iOS Learners
- In iOS → Home → Survey / Poll → after completing a survey or poll, the completion toast message is now replaced with a completion alert box.
- In iOS → My Account → upgraded Badges User Interface denotes an enhanced design for badge display that is not only visually improved but also optimized for responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes.
In Monitor → updated date format for all monitor screens as follows:
Date with time
● Current year: 22 Nov 05:29 AM
● Not current year: 22 Nov 2023 05:29 AMDate without time
● Current year: 22 Nov
● Not current year: 22 Nov 2023
14 May
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Usage → User → monitors possess the ability to export user engagement reports, either in their entirety or with refined precision through filters and search parameters.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Craft → through AI, admins can effortlessly create diverse scenarios using titles and support documents.
- In Admin → Audit Log → Group & Role → new sub-categories are added for Group & Role as follows:
○ Assessment Assigned – An Assessment was assigned to a group & role.
○ Assessment UnAssigned – An Assessment was unassigned from a group & role.
○ Path Assigned – An Path was assigned to a group & role.
○ Path UnAssigned – An Path was unassigned from a group & role. - In Admin → Audit Log → Topic & Test → new sub-categories are added for Topic & Test as follows:
○ File Assigned – An File was assigned to a topic & test.
○ File UnAssigned – An File was unassigned from a topic & test.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Account → upgraded Badges Icons to an improved design for displaying badges, enhancing the user experience and visual appeal.
- In Learner → My Account → upgraded Badges Icons – Responsive denotes an enhanced design for badge display that is not only visually improved but also optimized for responsiveness across various devices and screen sizes.
For Android Learners
- In Android → My Account → Learnings → users can effortlessly access a comprehensive compilation of completed learning paths.
- In Android → Pre-Login → users have the option to register effortlessly by scanning a QR code, enabling them to subscribe themselves seamlessly.
- In Android → Notifications & My Account → enhanced 3D icons are a sophisticated evolution of traditional 2D icons, characterized by their immersive and dynamic appearance.
- In Android → Home → Quiz → points details and points attempt details UI are enhanced for better user experience, when consuming it.
- In Android → Home → Poll & Survey → points attempt details UI are enhanced for better user experience, when consuming it.
- In Android → My Account → upgraded Badges User Interface to an improved design for displaying badges, enhancing the user experience and visual appeal.
- In Android → Library → users will now encounter video links uploaded in the form of video file types, facilitating easier access and management.
- In Android → Insights → Points → upgraded Insights-Points UI represents a significant enhancement in the user interface design, focusing on providing a more intuitive and visually appealing experience for users interacting with insights and points data.
- In Android → Test → interface responds to certificate generation status as follows:
○ Prior to generation: “Preparing your certificate” displays above the “back to home” button.
○ Post-generation: “View certificate” appears with a ‘Chevron’ button for accessing the certificate.
○ If generation exceeds 30 seconds (3 API calls with 10-second intervals): “We’ll send you notification once the certificate is prepared” is shown.
07 May
For Monitors
- In In Monitor → Completion → Content → Quizzes → Export Quiz Summary → includes topic progress with ‘YET TO START’ & ‘IN PROGRESS’ status.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Quizzes → included additional quiz status details such as ‘Yet To Start’ & ‘In Progress’ having details of ‘Total number of users yet to start this quiz’ & ‘Total number of users currently consuming this quiz’ respectively, aiding monitors in better analyzing progress.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Quiz → Preview → admins can now view the attempt section with a shimmer effect overlaid on top of question attempt details.
For Learners
In Learner → updated date format for following screens as follows
Date with time
● Current year: 22 Nov 05:29 AM
● Not current year: 22 Nov 2023 05:29 AMDate without time
● Current year: 22 Nov
● Not current year: 22 Nov 2023
23 Apr
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Path → Manage Items → Preview → enables users to preview path items before incorporating them
into the path. This functionality applies to both newly added items and existing ones. - In Admin → Content → File / Quiz / Test / Path / Poll / Survey / Assignment → modules now feature an expanded search capability, allowing admins to search by both title and shortcode.
- In Admin → Content → File / Quiz / Test / Path / Poll / Survey → Assigned Path → allows admins to easily filter paths based on their status, with options for LIVE, DRAFT, and INACTIVE statuses selected by default.
- In Admin → Settings → Schedule Learner Email Alert → Edit → empowers RapL Admins to schedule the specific day and time (in UTC) for triggering email alerts to learners regarding their pending tasks.
- In Admin → Content → File → RTF → signifies an upgraded interface tailored for Rich Text Format (RTF) editing.
- In Admin → Report → Download & Schedule → updated and improved user interface for the reporting system.
- In Admin → Structure → Group & Role → Subscription → subscription user status are maintained as follows :
○ APPROVE, APPROVED, SUBSCRIBE, and SUBSCRIBED are now uniformly recognized as SUBSCRIBED.
○ Similarly, BLOCK, BLOCKED, REJECT, and REJECTED actions are now uniformly identified as REJECTED.
For Learners
In Learner → My Account → About RapL → web users can explore the revamped content of our About RapL page.
○ In Learner → My Account → About RapL → web users in mobile responsive, upon updating to the New Version, experience enhanced animations.
16 Apr
For Android Learners
- In Android → Home → path will give following user experiences:
○ Top 3 available paths in first view.
○ Available path count details is in red color.
○ View all – to access all path lists in detailed view.
○ Contents included in the path will not be available in separate swimlane anymore. - In Android → Learner → Insight → below enhancements are made:
○ Start now option as hyperlinked.
○ Updated empty messages of Topic and Test card details.
09 Apr
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → privileged users usage & learners usage & activation is given a separate summary view with enhanced UI.
- In Monitor → Activation → Privileged user → all privileged users are listed with all, using, not using, activated and pending filter option.
- In Monitor → Activation → Group & Role → activation health column is made similar to activation health in summary dashboard, with user counts displayed inside the brackets.
- In Monitor → Activation → User → filter is updated with label ‘Trend’ as prefix when filtering using past 5 weeks, this week and last week.
- In Monitor → Activation → User → this week column is updated with week day highlight from Monday to Sunday.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Genie → New File → admins can upload csv, pdf files, which feeds Genie with more knowledge to respond.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Genie → content when giving feedback to genie’s responses are updated.
- In Learner → Home → for quiz & test in learning path – view files hyperlink will be available when files are associated or marked as mandatory with quiz & test.
- In Learner → Home → Notifications → each poll & survey will have reminder notification which helps navigate to the particular poll & survey.
- In Learner → Home → Quiz → points details and points attempt details UI are enhanced for better user experience, when consuming it. This will work similarly in mobile as well.
- In Learner → Home → Poll / Survey / Files → points attempt details UI are enhanced for better user experience, when consuming it.
26 Mar
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Completion → User → monitors can view path completion by user-wise.
- In Monitor → Completion → Group & Role → Paths → monitors can view path completion by group & role-wise.
For Admins
- In Admin → Settings → Report Time Zone → Edit → rapl admins have the option to choose a different time zone here, and any changes made will be reflected in the admin reports generated.
- In Admin → Count → Users → rapl admins have the option to view user counts monthly-wise with filters and export options.
- In User → Manage → Assigned Content → Assignments → admins can sort column ‘completed at’ in assignment list.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Genie → feedbacks and copy icons UI are enhanced to have better clear view on usability.
- In Learner → Insights → Points → users can navigate into details view of points. Graphs are used to represent points details for the current month.
- In Learner → Insights → Points → users can navigate into details view of points. Graphs are used to represent points details for lifetime.
- In Learner → Insights → Points → users can navigate into details view of points. When use consumed no points yet, default empty screen UI is updated.
- In Learner → Notifications → user can view the 3D images on all of the notifications receive.
- In Learners → users can view updated 3D images on empty screens.
19 Mar
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Activation → Group / Role→ monitors can see non-activated users count and non-activated users percentage in separate new columns.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → File → New File → for all file types – admins can add descriptions with a maximum character count of 1200.
- In Admin → Audit Log → Group / Role→ new sub-categories are added as follows:
○ Group / Role – Assignment Assigned – An assignment was assigned to a group/role.
○ Group / Role – Assignment UnAssigned – An assignment was unassigned from a group/role.
For Learners
- In Learner → Home → users can attempt quiz with new list view for all text, image & text-image questions.
- In Learner → Library → File Detail view → all six emojis are accessible to every user and all file types can now accommodate descriptions with a maximum character count of 1200.
12 Mar
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Path → Released Items column will give details of Path items released for a particular user.
- In Monitor → Summary → refreshed with following updates :
○ Re-positioned counts on top followed by content name.
○ Re-labelled all title and tooltips with better accessible keywords.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → File / Quiz / Test / Poll / Survey / Assignment → Column Paths or Assigned Path → admins can view paths list to which the content is assigned.
- In Admin → User → Manage → Assigned Content → Paths → new column ‘In Progress Items’ is available which gives clarity on how many number of items are in progress on that particular path.
- In Admin → All Modules → all tables are enhanced with new user interface of odd rows painted with grey background and even rows with white background.
- All org admins can access to My genie – RapL assistance, which is configurable from backend with a on/off.
For Learners
- Using QR Code scanner, users can enroll themselves in their organization and start their learning journey.
- In Learner → Insight → below enhancements are made:
○ Updated details when no topics or tests are available to consume.
○ Progress bar for user in Topic and Test added to showcase their learning journey.
○ Progress relabelled as Completion. - In Learner → Insights → Badges → users can navigate into badge details page from insights home view.
- In Learner→ Insights → Points → users can navigate into details view of points. Graphs are used to represent points details for Lifetime and the current month.
05 Mar
For Android and iOS Learners
- In Home → Leaderboards → Individual & Team Leaderboard – Android users can now elevate themselves to the top in their leaderboard followed by the rankings of other users.
- In Learner → Quiz → android users get a warning pop up on selecting unavailable language while attempting a quiz.
- In Android → Insights → Badges → android users can navigate into badge details page from insights home view.
- In Android → Insights → progress section is renamed as Completion.
- In iOS → Learner Home → topics listing is re-positioned with locked quizzes as top priority.
- In iOS → Insights → Points → users can navigate into details view of points. Graphs are used to represent points details for Lifetime and the current month.
- In Android & iOS → Library → all users will have access to new sort option ‘Most popular’ which enables users to discover popular and engaging content easily, enhancing their overall browsing experience.
- In Android & iOS → Library → for all users – total views for each file will be shown in following screens:
○ Library Listing.
○ Library File Detail View.
○ Learning – Library Listing.
○ Learning – File Detail View. - In Android & iOS → My Account → About RapL → for all users in web & mobile responsive view, newly enhanced about Rapl UI is available.
- In Android & iOS → My Account → for all users newly enhanced UI is available as follows :
○ Profile card – has all user profile details.
○ Learning card – has all viewed files & completed contents (quiz, test, poll, survey, assignment & path).
○ Badge card – has all user obtained badge details.
○ Certificate card – has all user certificates that are received.
○ Subscription card – has all user subscriptions details.
○ Feedback card – has all users feedback details.
○ Pause learning card – has all details and options to pause learning.
○ Followed by enhanced UI for Report an Issue, Troubleshoot Notifications, About Rapl & Sign out.
27 Feb
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Summary → monitors can visualize enhanced 3D icons in summary – files, quizzes, tests, polls, surveys & assignment icons.
- In Monitor → Usage → Group / Role → monitors can visualize enhanced 3D icons in usage to groups and roles tab’s icons.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → monitors can visualize enhanced 3D icons in select content type card view & tab’s icons.
- In Monitor → Completion → Group / Role → monitors can visualize enhanced 3D icons in completion by groups and roles select content type card view.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Paths → Completed Users column → monitors get details of total number of users who have completed the path out of overall total users.
For Admins
- In Admin → Issue → admins for “Report An Issue” questions involves customizing the queries or prompts presented to users when they report a problem or concern within a system or platform.
- In Admin → Content → Assignment → View Submission → Download → admins when download any assignment’s attachment – file is downloaded with a username, it means that the file is being saved or accessed with a specific user’s identification or login name attached to it.
- In Admin → Settings → feature for configuring a unified learning path with enable/disable options has been removed from the settings available to RapL Admins.
- In Admin → Structure → Group / Role → Subscription → Create → admins can set up & verify the end time or expiration date of subscriptions of groups & roles.
- In Admin → Structure → Group / Role → admins can visualize enhanced 3D icons in structure groups and roles tab’s icons.
- In Admin → Content / User→ Assign To Group / Role → admins can visualize enhanced 3D icons in assign to groups and roles tab’s icons.
- In Admin → Invite → Group / Role → admins can visualize enhanced 3D icons in invite to groups and roles tab’s icons.
For Learners
- In Learner → My Account → for all users in mobile responsive view, newly enhanced UI is available as follows :
○ Profile card – has all user profile details.
○ Learning card – has all viewed files & completed contents (quiz, test, poll, survey, assignment & path).
○ Badge card – has all user obtained badge details.
○ Certificate card – has all user certificates that are received.
○ Subscription card – has all user subscriptions details.
○ Feedback card – has all users feedback details.
○ Pause learning card – has all details and options to pause learning.
○ Followed by enhanced UI for Report an Issue, Troubleshoot Notifications, About Rapl & Sign out. - In Learners → Rapl Admins now have the capability to access a feature previously known as “Ask Rapl,” which has been rebranded as “My Genie.”
- In Learner → Quiz → all users when selecting unavailable language while attempting a quiz, pop up text is update with information and upon clicking on got it, it stays in last viewed language.
15 Feb
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Paths → completion percentage of path items can be monitored using newly introduced column named ‘Item Completion Percentage’.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Quiz / Test / Feedback → Template : admins can filter by status as draft, final & archived while importing questions.
- In Admin → Quiz → Manage Certificate → admins can search through available certificate templates and add it to Quiz.
- In Admin → User → Manage → Assigned Contents → Files → admins can view validity details of all files associated to a particular user.
- In Admin → Content → Quiz → Issued Certificate & User → Manage →Assigned contents → Certificates : admins can view certificate issued at details for all certified users.
- In Admin → Content → File / Poll / Survey : New File / Add Poll / Add Survey : Add New – new enhanced add new button is available for admins to add new category.
- In Admin → Report → Download & Schedule → All Reports → admins can view collapsible / expandable header field across all report types.
For Learners
- In Learner → Ask Rapl → rapl admins have the privilege of using Ask RapL – an AI generated model as a personal assistant.
- In Learner → Home → Quiz / Test → on clicking the certificate icon of quiz / test, new enhanced certificate information pop-up will be displayed for web users.
- In Learner → Home → Quiz → using language filters web users can switch between multiple available languages of the Quiz.
- In Learner → History → web users can use search experience for following content : Viewed Files, Completed to pics, Completed tests, Completed surveys & Completed assignments.
- In Learner → Library → Filters → upon filtering, web users can see an enhanced UI, with a blue dot to identify filters that are applied.
06 Feb
For Learners
- In Learners → Home → web users are given following user experiences:
○ Top 3 available paths in first view.
○ Available path count details in red color.
○ View all – to access all path lists in detailed view.
○ Contents included in the path will not be available in separate swimlane anymore. - In Learners → Home → web and android users are given access to their badges & points breakdown view in insights as follows:
○ Badges & Points earned for the current month. (with sort named ‘This month’).
○ Badges & Points earned on whole till date. (with sort named ‘Lifetime). - In Learners → Home → web users are given refined user interface as follows:
○ Resizing of all card view to same size in home page view, except library swimlane.
○ Help section is moved into contents details view. - In Learners → Home → Quiz → iOS and Android users using language filters can switch between multiple available languages of the Quiz content.
- In Learners → Home → Library → Filters → ios users are given library filters as follows:
○ Filter order is updated.
○ Radio button is given for sub filters, when options are single select.
○ Checkboxes are given for sub filters, when options are multi selected.
○ Blue background is used for main filter menu. - In Learners → Leaderboard → android users are given refined user interface in leaderboards as follows:
○ Blue background is replaced by white background & blue outline.
○ New Points & Badges( for rank) icons. - In Learners → android users can visualize 3D icons for all in-app notifications.
30 Jan
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Usage → Group/Role → admins can visualize 3D icons for Overall, Library, Quiz, Test, Poll, Survey & Assignment.
- In Monitor → Summary → admins can visualize 3D icons for Files, Quizzes, Tests, Polls, Surveys & Assignment.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → admins can visualize 3D icons for Library, Quiz, Test, Poll, Survey, Assignment & Feedback.
- In Monitor → Completion → Group/Role → admins can visualize 3D icons for Files, Quizzes, Tests, Polls, Surveys & Assignments.
For Admins
- In Admin → Content → Quiz → Manage Files – admins can view file’s shortcode to differentiate between files with the same title.
- In Admin → User → Pause Learning → admins can filter pause learning details by status – Upcoming, Ongoing, Cancelled & Completed.
- In Admin → Content → File → admins can visualize folder icons for files folders.
- In Admin → Content → Assign to Group & Role → admins can visualize 3D icons for Group/Role info, Users, Files, Quizzes, Tests, Paths, Polls & Surveys & Assignment.
- In Admin → Invite → Group & Role → admins can visualize 3D icons for Users.
- In Admin → Feedback → Template → Manage Questions → Import Questions → admins can duplicate any number of questions from existing feedbacks.
- In Admin → User → Manage → Assigned Contents → Assignments → admins can view completion data of all assignments using new column “Completed At”.
- In Admin → Content → Poll → Add Poll → admins can utilize fuzzy loading in category list with infinite scrolls.
For Learners
- In Learners → Home → Quiz → web users using language filters can switch between multiple available
languages of the Quiz content.
23 Jan
For Admins
- In Admin → Email →
- admins can replicate any email template using the ‘Duplicate Template’ option.
- admins can filter email templates based on their status, offering options for both live and draft templates.
- Preview Template option allows admins to view a preview of an email template before finalizing it.
18 Jan
For Admins
- In Admin → Report → Download / Schedule → in ‘user engagement report’ overall engagement details are replaced with current week engagement, in columns last used date & days since last usage details now we include all modules (files, topic test, poll, survey, assignment)
For Learners
- In Learners → Home → Learning path are unveiled at the top, web users can explore path and its contents via new enhanced user interface.
- In Learners → Home → Learning path are unveiled at the top, web users can explore path and its contents via new enhanced user interface with responsiveness across all mobile devices.
11 Jan
For Android Monitors
- In Monitors → for users activation & usage cards are positioned dynamically based on following scenarios:
❖ ACTIVATION and USAGE layout should be shown first followed by the USAGE and ACTIVATION layout –- activation (ALERT) below threshold & usage (ALERT) above threshold.
- activation (ALERT) below threshold & usage (ALERT) below threshold.
- activation (ALERT) above threshold & usage (ALERT) below threshold.
- activation (ALERT) above threshold & usage (ALERT) above threshold.
For Android Learners
- In Learners → Home → Topic & Test → upon mastering topics & tests for users can explore updated certificates thumbnail card view.
- In Learners → My Account → About RapL → from the menus list removed “refresh settings button” and “register push notifications” options as users have privilege of using troubleshooting notifications of their own.
- In Learners → My Account → Troubleshoot Notification → have access to report an issue while troubleshooting notifications.
- In Learners → Home → for users, party poppers are introduced to spread joy and better usage, upon viewing a file and completing a poll or survey.
- In Learners → Home → Library → Filters → Android users are given library filters usages as follows:
- Filter order updated.
- Radio button for sub filters, when options are single select.
- Checkboxes for sub filters, when options are multi selected.
- Blue background for main filter menu.
09 Jan
For Monitors
- In Monitor → Usage → User → in pass 5 week trend, the metric will be “No data Available” when the user is not part of past 5 week trend.
- In Monitor → Completion → Content → Test → Export → A new column ‘Max Attempt’ is added to export reports.
For Admins
- In Admin → User → Manage → Groups & Roles → admins can view the users assigned to specific groups and roles associated with an individual user. This is displayed in a dedicated column.
- In Admin → Content → Quiz / Test / Survey → Manage Questions → admins can search for questions and titles of quizzes, tests, or surveys. Additionally, they can also search when importing questions from other quizzes, tests, or surveys into a draft quiz, test, or survey.
- In Admin → Report → Import → User → Onboard Users → admins can invite users with the given changes:
- if the invite column is blank – User should get invite email/sms
- with Yes in invite column: User should get invite email/sms
- with No in invite column: User should not get invite email/sms
For Learners
- In Learners → Home → Library → Filters → by clicking the Reset button, web users can explore the upgraded user interface to reset filter alert.
- In Learners → Home → Library → Search → Web users can benefit from the library Advanced Search improvements, which included fuzzy and typo-tolerant searches.
02 Jan
For Learners
- In Learners → Library → Android users have access to an enhanced sorting and consolidated library filters feature.