Thursday 10 November – Friday 11 November


Get your FREE tickets now!

Enter the Free Draw to Win a Complimentary Happiness & Its Causes Conference 2 Day Ticket with great speakers like Costa Georgiadis

This year, Happiness & Its Causes conference returns to Sydney.
It’s been a big year for all of us with continuing change and challenges, so we’d like to offer you a warm hug of an event at Happiness & Its Causes, live at the Pyrmont Theatre,ICC Sydney, on 10 & 11 Nov 2022!

Take some time to reflect, regroup, and refresh

Explore what nourishes you and brings meaning and joy to your life

Learning from an amazing speaker faculty of psychologists, neuroscientists, leading thinkers, artists, writers and more!

Cris will be engaging participants with his infectious laughter yoga crowd-pleaser at the Happiness Conference again this year. 

Since it’s inception in 2006, Cris has presented for 12 consecutive years except during the pandemic. Cris is back again this year with his famous laughter sessions that the attendees crave about, energising crowds, especially after the lunch session. Everyone knows the benefits of laughter and good health, Cris combines laughing yoga and wellbeing, to help people cultivate healthy habits. Find out ways to develop healthy habits and mindsets and boost your wellbeing instantly with Cris on Day 1 and Day 2 of the conference!

As Seen On:

Planning to Attend Happiness & Its Causes Conference?

Enter the Free Draw to Win a Complimentary HAPPINESS & Its Causes Conference 2 Day Ticket with great speakers like Costa Georgiadis

Date: Thursday 10 November – Friday 11 November

Venue: Pyrmont Theatre, ICC Sydney

The conference features some of the world’s most influential speakers and thought leaders, paving the way to help you find joy and happiness in life, click here to view the full program

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